RTCSA 2021 Work-in-Progress (WiP) Session

The RTCSA 2021 WiP session invites the community to submit WiP abstracts focused on unpublished work discussing early-stage ideas, new research directions, and current trends in the area. WiP abstracts must i) be original and not yet published elsewhere, ii) not be under submission elsewhere, iii) have a high future potential, and iv) be of interest to RTCSA’s audience.

Each submitted WiP abstract must be in PDF format and should not exceed 2 pages in IEEE conference proceedings format (letter paper, two-columns, single-space, 10pt). One additional page of references and/or acknowledgements is allowed. As the review process is single-blind, the submitted WiP abstract should bear the full author list. The title of the submitted WiP abstract should include a leading "Work-in-Progress Abstract: " label (i.e., "Work-in-Progress Abstract: <Actual Title>") to clarify its WiP abstract nature.

Submitted WiP abstracts will be selected by a single-blind review process conducted by the program co-chairs of the RTCSA 2021. Accepted WiP abstracts will be included in the RTCSA 2021 proceedings, and published by the IEEE Computer Society on IEEExplore. Authors of WiP abtracts have the opportunity to publish the extended final form of their work when it has matured in any conference or journal they prefer.

Each accepted WiP abstract gets a short presentation slot within our WiP session. By submitting a paper, authors implicitly agree that at least one author will register at full registration rate (the rate may be lowered, negotiation is still on-going) to the conference and present the paper (via virtual conferencing).

Interested authors for the WiP session should note the following important dates:

  • WiP abstract submission deadline: July 1st, 2021 (Thursday), 23:59 UTC-12
  • WiP abstract notification of acceptance: July 8th, 2021 (Thursday), 23:59 UTC-12
  • WiP abstract camera-ready submission: July 12th, 2021 (Monday), 23:59 UTC-12

WiP Submission

The WiP papers should be submitted to the WiP track of the easychair conference management site at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rtcsa2021.